In the Media
Middletown Council Rejects Recreational Marijuana Business Moratorium as Licensing Period Begins
Read Time: 1 minOf Counsel David Waxman (Cleveland) was interviewed by WCPO ABC 9 Cincinnati in “Middletown Council Rejects Recreational Marijuana Business Moratorium as Licensing Period Begins,” on June 4, 2024.
According to David Waxman, an attorney with the McGlinchey Stafford law group, the first round of business applications accepted by Ohio’s Department of Cannabis Control would only be available to already existing medical dispensaries.
“The reason they’re doing this is, number one, it gets things out faster,” he said.
Waxman said placing a temporary moratorium in a city, as Middletown did in December, makes sense. He said many towns put the breaks on allowing the businesses to take root to ensure they’ve got proper zoning laws, rules and regulations in place as recreational marijuana is new to Ohio code.