The Aftermath of the CARES Act: What Lenders and Borrower Need to Know
Read Time: 1 minMarshall Grodner (Baton Rouge) will moderate a panel for the ABA Business Law Section’s Breaking News CARES/COVID-19 CLE Webinar Series on June 18, 2020.
The panel, “The Aftermath of the CARES Act: What Lenders and Borrower Need to Know,” will provide up to date information regarding how the CARES Act has affected the credit markets and credit facilities; specifically, the response of the credit markets to the CARES Act and the regulatory response thereto. Program participants will also discuss specific issues arising in credit facilities and the actions of Lenders and Borrowers as a result of the CARES Act, as well as documentary concerns.
The program is a collaboration between the Commercial Finance Committee’s Syndication and Lender Relations, Secured Lending, and Loan Documentation Subcommittees, together with the Secured Transactions
Subcommittee of the Uniform Commercial Code Committee.
Marshall serves as Chair of the ABA’s Commercial Finance Committee.