Almost all the states have regulations with regard to protections for voting and political activity. They range, though, in the protections that they give. And there are certain ones that have specific protections with regard to speech. Election season is in full swing and the climate is ...
Podcast: A Leadership Perspective on Firm Diversity and Inclusion Efforts
Diverse people have different mindsets and thought processes and bring different talents to solve a problem. And we're in the business of solving problems for our clients. Diversity and inclusion have been trending topics in the legal world for many years. The recent focus on social justice has ...
Podcast: Covid on the Job: Construction Sites and Employment Law
Construction has been deemed an essential industry during this pandemic, but what do employers do when the Coronavirus hits their job site? In this episode of More with McGlinchey, Mag Bickford and Zelma Frederick chat about the interesting intersection of employment law ...
Podcast: Personal Jurisdiction Part 2 – The Ford Cases
In the second installment of our "More with McGlinchey" series on personal jurisdiction, Rasch Brown, Gary Hebert, and Brian LeCompte (New Orleans) discuss the potentially groundbreaking Ford cases pending before the U.S. Supreme Court. Given recent Court precedent, is personal jurisdiction forever ...
Podcast: The ABCs of Employee Theft
“If what’s being stolen is office supplies, you’re probably not going to make a federal crime out of this, right? But if what’s being stolen are trade secrets, you need to respond in a very different manner. Workplace theft can run the gamut from office supplies to petty cash to trade secrets. In ...
Podcast: Search Warrant Protocol – Stop a Bad Day from Getting Worse
“This is one of those situations where… if you’re a baseball fan, you’re in the field. You can’t score any runs. You can’t defend your case… all you can do is prevent the government from scoring.” Whether they’re federal, state, or local, when agents knock on your door with a search warrant, ...
Podcast: Credit Reporting and COVID – What did the CARES Act change?
Under the CARES Act, borrowers must be affected by COVID-19 and receive an “accommodation” for their creditors to be subject to new FCRA reporting obligations. However, the CARES Act does not explain how the consumer needs to have been affected, nor is it expressly limited to accommodations provided ...
Podcast: Personal Jurisdiction – Not what you learned in law school
How is it that in 2020, we are still discussing personal jurisdiction? Wasn't this decided in the last century? What has changed? These questions have become increasingly relevant following sea change decisions in Goodyear, Daimler, and Bristol Myers. In the fourth episode of the "More with ...
McGlinchey Launches Podcast That Brings You “More”
McGlinchey Stafford is pleased to announce the launch of its podcast, “More With McGlinchey,” available now where you listen to podcasts. “We know our clients look to us to cut through the noise in distilling the issues that matter to them,” said Rudy Aguilar, McGlinchey’s Managing Member. “We’re ...
Podcast: Employers: Benefits Considerations Post-Pandemic
During the Coronavirus, it’s been fun working from home, but many are returning to the trenches. One of the issues we need to take a look at is employee benefits. In this episode, McGlinchey Labor & Employment team members Kathy Conklin and Rasch Brown go into detail about employee ...