Happy Mardi Gras! 2024
Read Time: 2 minsIt’s Carnival Time!
The Carnival season leading up to Mardi Gras, or “Fat Tuesday,” is a weeks-long celebration of the culture of our founding city of New Orleans, including music, food, parades, and pageantry.
This year, as we recognize our 50th anniversary, we invite you to join us in celebrating Mardi Gras wherever you are!
something to cook.
Start a tradition of making your own king cake at home! A king cake is a traditionally sweet pastry shaped into a ring and decorated in yellow, green, and purple – the colors of Mardi Gras.
something to dance to.
Break out your dancing shoes and put on this Mardi Gras Zydeco playlist. Zydeco evolved in southwest Louisiana, blending Louisiana French accordion music and Afro-Caribbean beats.
something to listen to.
Fascinated by the traditions of Mardi Gras? Check out Behind the Beads, a podcast from New Orleans Magazine about the history and modern celebration of New Orleans Carnival.