What Does New Orleans’ Proof of Vaccination Requirement Mean for Employers?
Read Time: 1 minLate Thursday, August 12, 2021, New Orleans became one of the first cities nationwide to implement a proof of COVID-19 vaccine mandate effective August 16, 2021. The New Orleans mandate requires individuals to show proof of vaccination (or recent negative COVID test) before they can enter various establishments, including bars, restaurants, concert venues, and sports arenas.
Implicit in this mandate is a requirement for employees working in these various businesses to show proof of vaccination to continue work.
New Orleans Mayor LaToya Cantrell has also advised that enforcement of the new mandate will begin one week after its effective date on August 23, 2021, and that any attempts to provide false documentation will be dealt with swiftly and harshly.
The deadly Delta variant and rising Coronavirus cases in New Orleans have led to this mandate, which adds yet another layer of compliance to already strained service industry businesses.
Businesses are now required to properly train employees and assign employees to screen patrons at the door before they are allowed to enter the establishment. Businesses should also prepare compliance procedures in the event that employees encounter patrons who refuse to comply with the proof of vaccine mandate. Remember that as a business owner, you have a legal obligation to keep your employees safe. You now have the added legal obligation to ensure everyone who is in your establishment has shown proof of vaccine.
These are certainly challenging times for service industry businesses as they recover from the impact of the 2020 lockdowns and maintain full staffing levels.
Employers, business owners, and managers seeking guidance related to mandates and other COVID-19 safety compliance are welcome to contact the author or any member of McGlinchey’s Labor and Employment practice group.