News Release
McGlinchey Stafford Welcomes 11 Summer Associates, Three LCLD Scholars
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McGlinchey is pleased to welcome eleven summer associates from eight law schools who will work in seven offices over two sessions alongside our attorneys nationwide:
- Erin Alpandinar (Baton Rouge, 2L, Louisiana State University)
- Clark Bullington (Houston, 2L, University of South Texas)
- Madeline Earles (New Orleans, 2L, Louisiana State University)
- Kimberly Garcia (Washington, DC, 1L LCLD Scholar, University of Virginia)
- Gabriel Guajardo, III (New Orleans, 2L, Loyola University)
- Ian Joseph (Nashville, 2L, Washington and Lee University)
- Alec Keane (Baton Rouge, 2L, Louisiana State University)
- Ryan Lavelle (New Orleans, 2L, Loyola University)
- Sera Martin (Cleveland, 1L LCLD Scholar, University of Akron)
- Eric Theriot (Baton Rouge, 2L, Southern University)
- Yidou “Mandy” You (Boston, 1L LCLD Scholar, Boston College)
“I am excited to welcome this year’s summer associates to the firm. We have the biggest summer class yet, and more offices participating than ever before,” said Member Zelma M. Frederick (Baton Rouge), McGlinchey’s Summer Associate program chair. “Bringing law students in to learn about practicing with us is a great way to not only develop the next generation of attorneys, but also to provide mentorship and camaraderie in the profession.”
Kimberly Garcia (Washington, DC), Sera Martin (Cleveland), and Yidou “Mandy” You (Boston) will receive McGlinchey’s 1L LCLD Scholarship through the Leadership Council on Legal Diversity (LCLD). This award, bestowed annually upon first-year law students, is a distinguished honor that includes a paid summer associate position, a $5,000 scholarship, and formal mentoring from McGlinchey attorneys throughout each student’s law school career. This is the second year in a row that McGlinchey has offered three LCLD 1L Scholarships.
As 1L LCLD Scholars, Kimberly, Sera, and Mandy participated in May’s LCLD 1L Virtual Scholars Summit. The event convenes diverse law students from around the country to hone interview skills, network, prepare for the transition from law student to practicing lawyer, and discuss the state of diversity in the legal profession. Two of McGlinchey’s 2022 LCLD Scholars Gabriel Guajardo, III (New Orleans) and Ian Joseph (Nashville) return this year as 2L summer associates. McGlinchey is proud that 2020 LCLD Scholar Taylor Bennington (Cleveland) and 2019 LCLD Scholar Andrew Albritton (New Orleans) are now practicing associates with the firm. Other former summer associates Farren Davis (2018), Gillian Miculek McCarroll (2021) and Julia Berry-Lopez (2022) are practicing with the firm, and Georgia Berthelot (2022), and Jessica Bozell (2022) will join McGlinchey in the fall.
Erin is enrolled at Louisiana State University’s Paul M. Hebert Law Center, where she is Editor in Chief of the Journal of Energy Law and Resources. Erin is also a recipient of the Dean’s Scholarship and the CALI Awards for Excellence for Legal Traditions and Systems, Administration of Criminal Justice, and Evidence. She earned a political science and sociology bachelor’s degree from Louisiana State University.
Clark attends South Texas College of Law Houston. He is a member of the Law Review. Clark earned a bachelor’s degree in art history and visual culture from Denison University, where he played varsity lacrosse.
Madeline studies at Louisiana State University’s Paul M. Hebert Law Center, where she is Development Editor for the Louisiana Law Review. She is a recipient of the L’Ecrevisse Scholarship and works as an academic tutor for Legal Research and Writing I and II. Madeline attended a school-sponsored study abroad at Jean Moulin University Lyon III in France. She earned a bachelor’s degree in political science and English rhetoric from Louisiana State University.
Kimberly is enrolled at the University of Virginia School of Law. She is a recipient of the Greenspring Scholarship. Kimberly is a member of the Latin American Law Organization, Virginia Law Women, and First Generation Professionals. She earned a bachelor’s degree in criminology, law, and society from George Mason University.
Gabriel studies at Loyola University New Orleans College of Law. He was a 2022 1L LCLD Scholarship recipient and 1L summer associate at McGlinchey last summer. Gabriel has previously worked as a legal intern and litigation clerk in Texas. He earned a bachelor’s degree in government from the University of Texas at Austin.
Ian attends Washington & Lee School of Law, where he is involved in the Black Law Students Association and Constance Baker Motley Mock Trial Competition. He was a 2022 1L LCLD Scholarship recipient and 1L summer associate at McGlinchey last summer. He earned a bachelor’s degree in Political Science with a minor in Communication Studies from the University of Georgia.
Alec is enrolled at Louisiana State University’s Paul M. Hebert Law Center, serving as Executive Vice-President of the Student Bar Association and Executive Board Member of the Hispanic Law Students Association. He has participated in the Moran-Thrash ABA National Appellate Advocacy Competition, Robert L. Tullis Moot Court Competition, Ira S. Flory Mock Trial Competition, and Louisiana Intrastate Mock Trial Competition. Alec earned a bachelor’s degree in sports administration from Louisiana State University.
Ryan attends Loyola University New Orleans College of Law, where he is a member of the Law Review. He is a recipient of the Dean’s Scholarship and was awarded the highest grade in the class for Obligations I, Federal Civil Procedure I, Civil Law Property, and Sales and Leases. Ryan earned a bachelor’s degree in the science of marketing from the University of New Orleans.
Sera studies at the University of Akron School of Law and is a member of the Business Law Society, Law Association for Women, and American Constitutional Society. She has previously worked as an assistant and legal intern in Ohio. Sera earned a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice from the University of Akron.
Eric is enrolled at Southern University Law Center, where he is the associate editor of the Journal of Intellectual Property, Technology, and Law. He is also a member of the Moot Court Board and a recipient of the Southern University Law Center Merit Scholarship. Eric earned a bachelor’s degree in geology from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette.
Mandy attends Boston College Law School. She is the 1L representative for the Asian and Pacific Islander Law Student Organization (APALSA), and is a member of the Coalition for LGBTQIA+ Students (LAMBDA), and Organization for Diverse Students (LAHANAS). She earned a bachelor’s degree in Philosophy from Wellesley College while cross-registered at Massachusetts Institute for Technology.
Since 2012, McGlinchey has participated in the 1L LCLD Scholarship program, a growing organization of more than 320 corporate chief legal officers and law firm managing partners. Reflecting the firm’s commitment to fostering and maintaining a diverse and inclusive workplace and to promoting diversity within the legal profession, McGlinchey has been recognized as a “Top Performer” every year since 2018, and is a previous recipient of the Compass Award, LCLD’s highest recognition. For over a decade, McGlinchey attorneys have participated in the LCLD Fellows program, which aims to identify, train, and advance the next generation of leaders in the legal profession. The firm has had three attorneys participate in the LCLD Pathfinders program, designed to supplement training initiatives at LCLD Member organizations for diverse, high-potential, early-career attorneys.